A collection of thoughts and observations.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Bin Laden Goes Fishing
Last week I visited a remote and primitive village in Thailand. It's an old Muslim village built entirely on stilts.
One thing that I thought would be too cliché to happen...actually happened. In this primitive, all muslim village, in the middle of nowhere, I actually saw a kid wearing an Osama Bin Laden t-shirt. What are the odds!
Friday, November 05, 2004
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
What Would Jesus Do?
Today, a 46-year-old man in Taiwan lept into a lion’s den at the Taipei Zoo in an attempt to try to convert the lions to Christianity. “Jesus will save you!” shouted the 46-year-old man at two lions resting a few meters away. “Come bite me!” he said with both hands raised.
The man was bit on his right leg before zoo keeper drove the male lion off with water hoses and tranquilizer guns. Newspapers said that "the lions had been fed earlier in the day, otherwise the man might have been more seriously hurt ... or worse".
If you're interested in seeing the actual video footage click on the link: Video
Bathroom Mirrors in Restaurants
Okay…I want to briefly talk about a very serious and devastating phenomenon called Ugly Bathroom Face Syndrome. Do you know what I’m talking about?
At some point in our life we have all been exposed to our reflection in a restaurant’s bathroom mirror. If you haven’t already, you'll soon probably walk into a restaurant washroom, do your business...and then…you will look into the mirror. It’s as if somehow between your table and the bathroom sink you’ve managed to age 17 years and attracted some rare form of scurvy. You’re now staring at a face that not even your dog could adore. Even unconditional love has limits. It will suck every bit of self-esteem and confidence you’ve ever had in virtually seconds.
Here’s what I don’t understand: architects have built structures that can withstand a point-7 earthquake and reach 100 stories high. Yet I still manage to look like a leper in every Red Lobster washroom.
Why is the lighting so bad in there? What are they worried about? Is the aroma of urinal pucks so conducive to good conversation that we’re going to start congregating there in masses? I can understand one or two of them being badly lit…but all of them!
Noisy Tree how could this be, you ask? Five little letters my friends: N A A P S. North American Assoc. of Plastic Surgeons.
Now, I have no credible proof or evidence, but I’m positive that the NAAPS is systematically bribing our architects to do this. Think about it. Who else would benefit more from a society of mongrels? The only reason Michael Jackson looks the way he does is because he likes to eat out a lot.
It's time for a change!
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Home Schooling
The following story is true...promise.
A little while back, I found myself eating breakfast in a hotel (somewhere in Oregon). Being half asleep, my girlfriend and I decided to listen in on someone else's conversation. Here's how it basically went:
[S]Son (about 8 years old)
[R1]Relative 1
[R2]Relative 2
[M] - How do you spell Wednesday? That one always confuses me.
[R1] - Isn't it wait.
[M] - I thought it was W-E-N-E-S-D-A-Y. Honey, do you know how to spell Wednesday.
[S] - W-E-D-N-E-S-D-A-Y.
[M] - Really, there's a D in it?
[R2] - (Shakes his head and continues typing on his laptop)
[M] - What a smart boy. I think I'll continue to home school you.
Now I don't profess to be a spelling-b champion, but if you're going to home school your children, shouldn't you be smarter than them? You should know at least the how to spell Wednesday.
The Etiquette of Smell
Why is it social acceptable to tell someone that they are physically hurting you, yet improper, even rude, to tell them that they smell...badly...really badly? A smell so pungent that it gives you goose-pimples.
Yesterday, as every Monday, I played volleyball at a local community center. It usually hosts the same group of people. However, this time we were joined...actually more like a man that had a funk so bad that it lingered for at least a minute after he left. It was actually able to spread to other courts. I could smell his presence at least 25 - 30 feet away.
I wanted to tell him to leave the courts. I wanted to say "I'm sorry but your smell is too much, you must leave now!" Did I? No. Social norm told me that if I did, I would be labeled as the rude one - not him. Shouldn't it be the other way around? In a country where we have daily access to deodorant, showers, and soap there's no excuse for this. Apply some deodorant or please leave the court!
And unless I have the nose of a blood hound, it's safe to say that I was not the only one that was aromatically abused by this man...and said nothing. Has this man gone through his entire life without someone mentioning it to him that it's just not socially acceptable? Probably. Yet, if his cell phone rang during a movie we wouldn’t hesitate to give him a tongue lashing. But smell? We’d probably feel that it would be rude to even relocate our passive-aggressive ass five seats to the left.
We must stop this! Let’s create a North America that is as beautiful to smell as it is to look at. Next time someone smells beside you at a movie theatre, tell them to move five seats to the left. If they can't be considerate enough to take a shower then why should you be considerate enough not to say anything.
It's time for a change!
Monday, November 01, 2004
Wall of Language
Why do people have a need to start speaking a different language as soon as they find out you do as well? For example, as soon as a Russian-speaking person realizes that I speak their language, they feel the need to start talking Russian – even if their english is perfect. What's wrong with the way we were talking 3 seconds ago?
My main problem with it is when there are other people involved - innocent by-standards that don't speak that particular language. Instantly they are excluded from the conversation. I usually try to answer the person in English. But even then they keep pressing back with the Russian. Subtle hints seen to go right past their bilingual heads.
Why do people have the need to do that? If you're one of them...please stop. Don't get me wrong. I don't mind strangers talking to each other in a different language. Their conversation in none of my business. My problem is when language is used as a barrier within a group of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances.
Once I was actually on the other side of this wall. I was at a dinner at someone's house. They had about 15 people over that night. Midway through the night one of the guys decided to start chatting-up the girl next to me in Spanish. He thought it was a great way to form a bond and to also conveniently shot me out of the conversation. Perhaps he saw me as a competitor. Pretty rude I thought. Luckily so did she. Shortly after that night she asked me out on a date. Aaah finally a little justice.
It's time for a change!