Monday, June 27, 2005

Get out of my seat...please!

Okay. I realize that the following might sound petty or too possessive, but I've noticed something over the years that tends to truly bug me.

This weekend during a softball tournament it happened...again. Not for the first time, and definitely not for the last. You see, I have this really nice nylon chair that I bring to outdoor event, such as the softball tournament. It folds up nicely and is extremely comfortable. It has a head rest, the back reclines slightly, and the arm rests come out in a V-shape (as oppose to a U-shape). In other words it is one comfy chair. I looked far and wide to find this chair. And it cost me a pretty penny.

So...what's the problem?

Unfortunately, other people think it's a great chair as well. As a result I often find people sitting in it. What's really interesting are the people that brought their chair and just find mine more they take it. Hey, just because you don't like your chair, doesn't mean that you should sit in mine...and thereby forcing me to sit in your chair.

Aren't these people the ones that are being truly selfish?

Friday, June 24, 2005

Rage on Public Buses

In the past few months I've started taking public transit to work. However, I'm not going to complain about the transit system...too easy. What I'd like to share with you is my observation on a certain type of people that take these buses.

Before I start, I want to explain...for those of you that don't ride public transit during peak things work on a busy bus. In order to pack the bus with as many people as possible, the bus driver usually asks people to "move to the back". This way, more people can get on. This is fair and civilized. However, for some reason people tend to bunch up at the front - leaving the back fairly empty. Why? I don't know.

But these are not the people I have a problem with...well actually I do but hey there's too many of them. The ones I want to talk about are actually quite the opposite. If you've spent enough time on a packed bus, you've probably felt them pushing their way past you.

As soon as they get on a crowded bus, they start their voyage or perhaps in their mind a crusade. With a look of discontent and superiority they push their way to the back of the bus. Now I know they are kind of doing the right thing. Because of them people at the next stop will be able to get on...but boy do they really bug me.

These are probably the same people that not only raised their hand in class to every single question, but also had the right answer!

Don't get me wrong. I'm not about conformity. I believe people should take action against injustice...but, I still don't like these people. Maybe it's the way they aggressively move through the bus without a single "excuse me" or "pardon me". Perhaps it's the look of smugness that they get ones they reach the back.

Grrrrr...I just don't like them.

Speaking of Irony

Below is a link to a site that has some amazing facts about Lincoln's and Kennedy's life and assassinations.

For example:
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners.
Both successors were named Johnson

...oh, it get's much better!

And, some what reluctantly, here is a site for all those people that tend to usually suck the life out of every party or conversation. It's a website that tries to convince you that these facts are nothing impressive and are just "superficial coincidences". Website